Your ATV Tire Choices
Your ATV Tire Choices
Blog Article
There are lots and lots of choices out there when it comes to your ATV tires. Your choice will depend on how you plan to use your ATV. Whether you plan on taking your ATV in the mud, taking on some trails, or cruising around a field, there is a tire for you.
We are all after a good deal, and while deals can be found on ATV tires, you will want to avoid buying used tires if you can. Used tires should not be used for everyday use, because once the tread is worn down or the rubber starts to wear down the tires are no longer safe. It is hard to find good quality used tires, although if you do find some, it wouldnt hurt to have them around for emergencies.
How do you know when it is time to replace your ATV tires? How often you need to replace your tires will depend on how often you use your ATV and how well you care for your tires. In general, you will need to replace the tires when you can no longer see the pattern on the tires, in other words, the tread is gone. You will want to replace the tires also if you can see the rubber on the tires starting to wear from age.
Proper care of your ATV tires can increase their useable life. Make sure that the tires are inflated properly according to the manufacturers standards. If the tires are under-inflated, the ATVs turns will be sluggish. Some adventurers will over-inflate their tires to try and get better performance on trails. This can lead to faster tire wear and an increased chance that the tires will rupture.
You can purchase ATV tires at a local dealer or on the Internet. If you are new to ATVs your best bet is to let a local dealer change the tires for you. When choosing new tires there are some things you should consider. Know what tire was made for your ATV.
The tire that the manufacturer chose was chosen for a reason. That is the tire that is probably going to give you the best performance. However, if you typically use your ATV in extreme conditions like mud, then mudding tires may serve you better. You can also choose different tire sizes, treads, and shapes. ATV tires come in round or flat. Your choice will depend on whether you use your ATV for sport (flat tires) or utility (round tires).
After you have your new tires, you need to dispose of your ATVs old tires responsibly. They should not be thrown out. The tires have to be recycled or disposed of properly. You can find a local recycling company to dispose of them for you, or you can let the ATV dealer handle the disposal of the old tires for you.
Now that you have a basic idea of how to choose and care for your tires you are one step closer to enjoying your ATV. With a lot of care and routine maintenance, your ATV tires will serve you well!
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