Yoga Diet

One of the essential things about yoga, together with the positive attitude, is the diet. It is highly recommended to perform your yoga session after about 2 hours from a main meal. Many specialists agree that what we eat is reflected both in our appearance, as well as in our health state. In other words, it is important t

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Serious About Wanting To Last Longer In Bed?

Premature ejaculation can be cured Don’t be embarrassed. Don’t be ashamed. Up to 75 of premature ejaculators can be cured within an average of 15 weeks. In fact, the results of treatment for premature ejaculation are now so good that any couple that faces the problem of inadequate ejaculatory control, with rare exceptions, will be enjo

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The Importance of Penis Hygiene

Hygiene is a cornerstone of modern civilization. We all know that people living in the period of time between the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the modern age were not particularly concerned with washing. Some saw washing as an unnecessary luxury, others saw it as the first step toward sinning by indulging th

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The Importance Of Fat Soluble Vitamins A, E, D and

The Importance Of Fat Soluble Vitamins A, E, D and K What are vitamins? A vitamin is an organic (carbon-containing) chemical compound your body must have in very small amounts for normal growth, metabolism (creating energy in your cells), and health. Vitamins are needed to make enzymes and hormones, which are important sub

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